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Some Ideas for Keeping Well During Social Distancing

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Logan & Finley has always been about Community and so in an effort to be encouraging and supportive during what for most of us is an unprecedented time filled with all sorts of emotions, we asked  three woman if they would contribute to our newsletter. The thing that always makes me feel better, is helping someone else. Even when I am quite focused on my own challenges, especially then, if I focus on what I can do to contribute, it always makes me feel better. One of my favourite quotes from Audrey Hepburn is: 

"As you grow older, you will realize that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others." 

We are all in this together and I think that the more we can slow down and really take care of ourselves and be present to hear others, we will be able to support each other through this. We each have something to contribute and it doesn't have to cost a thing. Here are my tips and the things I am trying to do to keep myself healthy:

Sleep. Eat Healthy Food. Take some extra Vitamins and Supplements. Get some Fresh Air.  Let myself cry if I need to, to release some pressure. Try to see the humour in things and have a giggle. Try to be kind, generous and thoughtful especially when I am feeling scared. Reach out and connect. I'm no expert on any of these things, but they do help me and I hope you do your best to look after yourself and be respectful of the things we are being asked to do to help keep everyone safe and prevent the spread of the virus.

Be Well



Intentional Living

In these confusing and challenging times, our most intentional living becomes even more essential.  What we do matters - even the small things - especially the small things.  Being intentional means we choose how we’re going to show up and we take mindful action.

For your own intention setting practice, I have a few suggestions:
- set an intention each day (you can use a card deck if you have one, you can choose one of the 3 foundational intentions:  love, kindness & gratitude or choose whatever is in your heart)
- create quiet time to ground (this may be meditation, reading, going for a walk, some kind of movement)
- look for opportunities to be of service (if you’re well - call a friend, reach out to a neighbour - your kindness really matters right now)
- reflect on what you are grateful for

Now is a time to be mindful and conscious of our actions. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed (and we all are), take time for activities that calm you, seek out online communities and limit your intake of social media (be informed but, not overwhelmed).

The world is always striving for balance - dark and light.  Connect with all things that bring light into your life.  Do not feed the darkness. 

All of your small actions have a profound and cumulative effect.  Be intentional.

Free resources:

  • daily intention card draw @mayyouknowjoy (IG and FB)
  • online support groups - many are popping up - find one you enjoy
  • take a course
  • read a book
  • go for a walk, talk to your friends

Paid resources:

  • reach out to a coach or therapist to guide you through this time
  • the Intentional Days membership also offers daily guidance to your most intentional living

Wishing you well-being & safety.


( written for us, by Adrienne of May You Know Joy)


Physical Fitness

In this time of uncertainty and chaos, we can all take a moment to incorporate some movement into our days. Physical activity will look different for everyone depending on the resources and space they have to work with. During the next few weeks, remember to take care of your bodies, not just physically, but mentally too, with some movement breaks. My tips to maintain a healthy movement routine during this difficult time are:

1. Honour what YOUR body wants and needs. We may need a little bit of a rest, a walk around the block with the dog or kids, or a HIIT workout online. Listen to what you truly need. Before the world shut down non-essential travel and social distancing, a lot of us were moving so fast and likely feeling burnt out. Use this newly acquired down time to treat your body with respect. Sometimes it doesn't mean doing every free online workout today and taking a few minutes to stretch and relax instead.

2. Get your friends and family in on it. I have been sharing some free workouts via Instagram over the last few days and you can do the same. Video call your friends and family and workout side-by-side with your screens. It will help to get the socializing some of us may be craving during this isolation and distancing period and keep us accountable.

3. Implement a new routine. By March, some of us have probably forgotten about our movement based goals and intentions for 2020. This is a great time to reflect on what is working and reevaluate where we may need some support and enhancing to help us feel our best.
Stay tuned to my website and Instagram @rachelfackoury for more tips and workouts during this isolation period.

( Written for us by Rachel Fackoury)


Healthy Living

If you don't already follow  Dr Rachel Schwartzman. ND  on Instagram, you might want to check out her account @rachels_nd She shares delicious and easy to make healthy recipes along with other tips for healthy living.  And if you like this recipe, check out her online cooking classes coming soon, that she will also share to her feed. 

Here's an online "treat" for you!

8 ingredients, no baking needed, delicious and vegan & gluten free

3 cups Rice Puffs

1/2 tsp Cinnamon

1/4 c Ground Flax Seeds

Mix in a separate bowl:

3/4 cup Nut or Seed Butter  (she used almond butter)

1/2 c Maple Syrup

2 tsp Milk Alternative ( she used almond milk)

Mix wet into dry and pat into an 8x8 square baking dish

Mlet 1/2 bar of dark chocolate with 1 tsp coconut oil & spread on top of bars

Let harden in fridge for an hour, then cut and enjoy! 

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