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Living a Low Waste Lifestyle

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By now, you have like been hearing  a lot about Plastic Free July and about countries, including Canada working toward eliminating single use plastics including articles like this one in the Guardian last year quoting:" 

"Single-use, a term referring to products – often made of plastic –that are made to be used once and thrown away, has been named Collins Dictionary’s word of the year for 2018."

I love how many of you are excited to share articles like this with me and I am really happy to see how many of you are engaged with this topic and working to make positive change in your everyday life. I personally think that we can make a difference by setting a really great example to those around us with actions we take everyday. 

People often ask me questions about how to get started and I usually say to take one step at a time and build habits in a positive and sustainable way.  It doesn't need to be a crash diet, but more a "what can I do today?" Once one habit forms, it's easy to add another and I believe that we should be always shooting a for progress over perfection. A quote from someone I follow online really resonates with me and maybe it will with you too. Find people that inspire you and use their tips to help you get started if this works for you. I included the link to the Plastic Free July page and here's how the Zero Waste Chef is approaching this annual challenge. And this picture/caption below is from Zero Waste Chef. 

So why does it feel so daunting?  Why does it feel hard to know where to start?  Here's an interview I did with Mindful Collective about Low Waste Living. Follow the link above if you want to read the whole interview, but here's an excerpt:

Q: How do you suggest "beginners" to lower waste living get started and begin to make more conscious choices?

A: There are lots of ways to do this, but I encourage people to find ways that suit them and where they replace one habit with another and then keep adding – so that it’s sustainable. It’s not really about depriving yourself, but finding things you do everyday and replacing with a more sustainable option. If you go for coffee – use a mug from home, a mason jar or buy yourself a reusable coffee cup that suits your style and don’t get coffee unless you have your cup with you. Use one of the many options for reusable food wrap/storage – and if you use something great like Abeego, it actually keeps your food fresher longer too, so it’s a win win since you waste less food too. Think about things you use everyday and when you’re finished a package of something – like the cotton rounds, replace with a beautiful, super soft organic cotton/hemp one that you can put into the wash and continue to reuse vs disposing each day.

Follow along on our social feeds as we are sharing ways to reduce waste in the bathroom, the kitchen, with grocery shopping and with everyday activities, and we created a Reusable Grocery Starter Kit here for reducing single use plastic when grocery shopping. Have a look at our Less Waste Solutions Collection for more ideas or come and see us at the know we like to share our ideas and solutions with you. 

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